How to Find Bond CUSIP

CUSIP numbers identify stocks and bonds to make financial transactions more efficient.

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The Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP) issues unique identifiers for stocks and registered bonds. This speeds up transactions and minimizes errors due to misspelled names. A CUSIP ID has nine digits, the first six of which are letters that identify the issuer. The next two digits can be letters or numbers and identify the type of bond. The final digit is a check number used to verify the CUSIP's validity.

Step 1

Visit to use the free CUSIP search. You do not have to be a Fidelity customer to use this service, but you must sign up for a free 30-day trial account. Select "Research" from the top menu bar, then choose "Fixed Income and Bonds." Click on the "Try our research for FREE" link to register for a new account. Enter your name, contact information, date of birth, member ID (username) and password.

Step 2

Log in to your account with your new member ID and password. Choose "Name" as your search criteria instead of using the CUSIP number. Input the name of the bond and press "Enter" or click the "Search" button. The search results will display a list of issuer names that match your criteria and the number of bonds they offer. Click on an issuer name to show a list of its bonds in a grid view.

Step 3

Click on the bond for which you need the CUSIP ID. You will see the CUSIP listed along with information related to the bond's rating, issue date, payment terms and maturity date.