Risk & Return on Mutual Funds Mutual funds attempt to lower the risks associated with investment through diversification. Even if one or two of the fund's holdings crash completely, the fund itself will not flat line and can ...Read More
Market Value vs. Market Capitalization Market value represents the stock price of a publicly traded company. It changes frequently based on the number of shares bought and sold by investors. Market capitalization is a broader illustration ...Read More
How to Give a Grandchild a Savings Bond Buying your grandchild a U.S. saving bond is considered a safe investment because it is guaranteed by the government of the United States. Savings bonds also are advantageous because you don't have ...Read More
Sell Volume Vs. Buy Volume Stocks Understanding the difference between buy and sell volume can help you better understand how to create an effective trading strategy that meets your own personal needs. Buy and sell volumes are ...Read More
How to Calculate APY on an Investment According to financial experts, you earn a yield on your investments, and you pay a rate on your loans. Annual percentage yield for investments is a useful calculation to compare the investment ...Read More
Custodial Account vs. Guardian Account Custodial and guardian accounts are similar, but have a few major legal differences. The primary creators of both accounts are often parents or grandparents of the account owner, who is known as the ...Read More
When Do Hedge Fund Bonuses Get Paid? Bonuses, which are cash and other financial incentives commonly provided to finance professionals, are part of the culture at hedge funds. The typical bonus size is between 15 percent and 25 percent ...Read More
REITs vs. Stocks Real estate investment trusts, which are known as REITs, and stocks are both types of investment vehicles. REIT investors hold shares in a trust that owns and manages a collection of real estate ...Read More