How to Figure Out the Volatility of G10 Currencies You can calculate the volatility of G10 currencies by consulting a variety of authoritative resources, such as the PowerShares DB G10 Currency Harvest Fund. Crafting a time frame in which to assess price fluctuations will help you gain a better understanding of current ...
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Definition of Applicable Federal Rate If you were to give a friend an interest-free loan, you might think of it as nothing more than a favor. Under the federal tax code, however, you may actually be giving that friend a taxable gift. But ...Read More
Can I Borrow Money From My Mutual Funds? While you cannot borrow money directly from your mutual funds, your mutual funds can be used as collateral for loans. Loans against mutual funds are called margin loans. Margin loans are usually ...Read More
What Does "Secured Creditors" Mean? A secured creditor holds a security interest in an asset pledged as collateral for a debt. The secured creditor's rights depend on the type of bankruptcy the debtor chooses to file. Under a Chapter 7 ...Read More
Unsecured Debt Reduction American unsecured debt topped $2.72 trillion in September 2012. Approximately $244 billion of that debt was in some stage of delinquency. While this type of debt -- which includes credit card debt, ...Read More